Friday, January 15, 2010

Drafting the first act


Just finished drafting the text for the first act. Lots of work to do :(  .
First is to create a template on which the characters can speak/recite on and yes write the song dialogue. It is really tough. But hell!, i am enjoying it.
The theme is friendship , as i think i have been blessed with real good friends and this is one way i feel i can show my thankfulness to the gems and angels.
This has borne out of a lot of reflection that no matter what happens there is a very basic chord that binds real friends and no damn thing can snap it.
Friends will always be together...  
This will be my tribute to the three pillars of my life.
Friendship has come in so many forms and with so many layers that i could not help but write my first(and hope not the last) song drama to remember them and for anyone who reads the writing to know MY friends , the ones i will be proud of having shared so many moments with till i rest finally.

The principal characters would be "the he,the girl , she and his friend". And how his world changes/revolves/happens around these characters.
My plan is to keep it in a dialogue style  interspersed with songs describing occasional emotional extremities.

So no names! As i thought that would cut a dimension off friendship. The story will have its own share of fiction just for the drama but the moments and emotions would be , i swear real!

Gosh writing the first text draft has made me so nostalgic and well ! Sleepy...
I'd rather zzzzzzzzzzz............


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